• üstra Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG

The Callange:

Üstra Hannoversche Verkehrsbetriebe AG is the most powerful service provider for public transportation in Lower Saxony carrying up to 159 million passengers a year. Üstra operates a multichannel network as well as single frequency network and a data transmission network.

The entire vehicle fleet is equipped with the BOSCH MR11 radio specially adapted to meet the needs of public transport but discontinued by the manufacturer for a long time.

The first particular challenge faced by a new system is to provide the connection compatibility to the 19” radio cassette previously used and secondly, to make sure the compliance with time parameters in the single-digit millisecond range. The radio data transmission is performed over time slots, whereby one time slot is assigned to each radio during the log-in process.

The favORITe of solution: ILSE - The Radio Box

Taking into account the specific needs of üstra ILSE – The Radio Box was developed, that meets all today’s requirements for a radio system. Extra LED displays allow the technician to determine the status quo promptly. Since the devices are intended for use in bus operation as well as in tram operation, it was necessary to configure two different channel lists easily selectable per DIP switch. The respective channels are retrieved over a fast 4bit channel switch-over.

Voice radio, data radio, traffic light pre-emption – all realized with ILSE – The Radio Box.

“With ILSE – The Radio Box ORIT offers a future-proof concept for our communication requirements. The implementation within our existing vehicle and radio infrastructure went quickly and smoothly. There was no problem at all levels when the installation of the first 100 appliances took place in summer 2011. Right from the beginning our staff was able to utilize the new technology without having to attend cost-intensive trainings. Our decision for ORIT was absolutely the right one.” 

Dietmar Kauth
Telecommunications/Control Engineering – üstra

- a brand of
MERETEC Technologies GmbH
+49 5222 . 80 300 80